Pakistan Bureau of Statistics Jobs

Pakistan Bureau of Statistics Jobs

Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) is an attached department of Ministry of Planning Development & Special Indicatives, the prime official agency responsible for collection, compilation and dissemination of reliable and timely Statistical information, which is essentially required for the policy maker’s planners and researchers. Applications are invited from Pakistani Nationals for filling up the following vacancies on permanent/temporary, likely to continue, basis against the quota mentioned against each post as detailed below:

Available Posts:

Statistical Assistant (BS-15)
Assistant (Ministerial) (BS-15)
Stenotypist (BS-14)
Data Entry Operator (BS-14)
Maintenance Assistant (BS-11)
Upper Division Clerk (BPS-11)
Technical Assistant (RP) (BS-10) 
Telephone Operator (BS-09) 
Technical Assistant (Drawing) (BS-09) 
Lower Division Clerk (BPS-09) 

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1. All recruitments will be processed as per Establishment Division policy dated 22.10.2014 as amended from time to time.
 2. Posts BS-01 to BS-05 will be ordinarily filled on a local basis.
 3. Regional / Disability Quota will be observed, as per rules.
 4. The candidates of the Islamabad domicile will be considered under Punjab Quota.
 5. The candidates already in Government service must apply through proper channel.
 6. The only eligible short-listed candidates will be called for the test/interview.
 7. No TA / DA will be admissible for appearing in the test/interview. 
8. All candidates applying for above mentioned posts(s) shall be entitled to general upper age relaxation in terms of Relaxation of upper Age Limit Rules 1993. Age of the applicant will be calculated from the closing date of the advertisement
. 9. No request for change of test center (once opted) shall be entertained. However, department reserves the right to change the test/interview center depending upon the number of candidates at a particular center. 
10. Appearing in the test / interview will not confer any right of appointment to any candidate under this advertisement. 
11. PBS reserves the right to cancel/postponed the recruitment at any stage, without assigning any cause.
 12. The Test will be conducted by the Authorized Testing Agency of the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. 

How to Apply:

1. The candidates for the post of BS-01 to BS-05 will have to apply in hardcopy by downloading the application form from PBS official website.
2. Application forms (for the posts of BS-06 to BS-15) will be filled “Online” on the website of PBS
3. The candidates are not required to attach photocopies of testimonials/education documents with the application form. However, the photocopies of the documents of the shortlisted candidates will be required at interview time.
4. Candidates applying for more than one post will have to submit a separate application/fee for each post with reference to a Serial number of the post as per advertisement.
5. The deadline/ Closing date for submission of online applications for BS-06 to 15 & hard copy applications for BS-01 to BS-05 is 10th March (Thursday), 2022.
6. For appearing in the test, the admission certificates of the eligible candidates will be uploaded on the website. The candidates will be required to produce an admission certificate, and original CNIC along with the paid fee challah (for BS-06 to BS-15 candidates). The candidates are advised to keep visiting the official website of PBS for recruitment updates.
7. The hardcopies of the applications (for BS-01 to BS-05 candidates only), must reach in the office of the undersigned at the given address within closing date. The applications received after the closing date, submitted by hand or with incomplete information shall not be entertained

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